Our Testimonies

Essence Pri P3/P4 English and Science: jump-grades by56 to 100!


Zahid’s Upper Pri Science Woozes from an F to an A within a Month for Mid Year Exam!

Pri Group excels greatly at English Math and Science: All Students Got Together! No Kidding!

Chloe’s P4 English and Science improved a Whopping 30 marks jump!

Sri, PSLE Student, Sengkang Primary School

“I jumped 20 marks over in Science through Everyday Tuition! ” Yes, she did it!

Faith, English Student

Faith jumped from an F in English to Top 3 in English in class.
Hear what she says! Awesome! She improved from F to Pass for Math too!

Avan, Taonan Primary School

“Within just a few months, my compo mark jumped from 20/40 to 28/40”

Kayden, St Andrew School: Yay, I got from an A to a High A!